
Our daily routines

Our routines are flexible yet also predictable. We have developed a framework for staff to meet your child’s individual physical needs, and we provide your child with a sense of security and familiarity each day. Routine activities divide the day into blocks of time and form a reference point for other activities that occur within the program for children who do not yet understand the concept of time. This is important for your young child’s developing self-confidence and trust.

Our educational program

We are committed to providing a developmental and educational program which caters for each child’s individual needs, abilities and interests. Our program will continue to develop as we use the relationships children have with their families and communities, working in partnership with parents, to ensure each child’s knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of our programs.

Our Growing Beans program is specifically designed to cater for all age groups and covers the 5 developmental learning domains. This is imbedded in our routines to ensure your child reaches their full potential in all aspects of the program. All 5 domains are connected to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).

Music and Movements
Pre Kinder
Social Emotional
Cognitive and Creative

Academic skills

This skill is learnt through the use of programs such as “Jolly Phonics”. Children learn phonics through the use of songs and actions to help them remember letters and their sounds.

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